We just wrapped up the FHCC family Turkey Day meal. It was a blast! As always, we packed out the FHCC Campus with more food and people than it could handle, but it was well worth it. It was amazing tonight to watch so many different people, from so many different walks of life, hang out and genuinely enjoy one another! (I didn't see any fakers in the house.) Tragically, this isn't always the case in most churches. It's not that churches are bad, or worse than any other social environment; they're just made up of "people," and people disappoint. But do they have to?
In case you haven't caught on yet, Christmas season is upon us. This favorite holiday of mine, marks the time in history when God Almighty took the form of human flesh and dwelt among us, as one of us (John 1:14). In theological terms, we call this the "Incarnation." God did not forsake His divinity, He added to it by become completely human. This means that God was hungry, tired, happy, sad, had bad hair days, and was even tempted. He was like us in every way, except for one: He was sinless. Jesus never sinned. Jesus never put Himself first, belittled anyone, or even ignored anyone. Jesus never disappointed. (Heb. 4:15)
Perhaps the best part about Christmas, however, is that it is not the end of the story, but merely the beginning of the Incarnation & its effects. Jesus didn't come to simply show us how to live, He came so that we may live how we ought to! His death on the cross paid the price for sin, freeing us from all condemnation. His sinless life and righteousness have been imputed upon us, giving us divine favor and privilege. His life, death, and resurrection have purchased for us the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, who renews all things and enables us to live the life God intended for us to live (Romans 8). We do not have to sin and disappoint anymore!
What made the FHCC family dinner so great was not a bunch of people will good intentions and great personalities. What made the evening so wonderful was that is was made up of people who have been changed by Jesus. They are not "people of the world," but rather "people of the Spirit." Whether they are talking about the challenges of life, or the crappy offense of the NY Jets, they can do so in a manner that glorifies God and allows His glory to shine through them. They have become a blessing!
It is a fantastic thing to not only be the pastor of FHCC but a member. I love my brothers and sisters, and I am so humbled by what God is doing in our neighborhood and city. If you have never taken Jesus or the miracle of Christmas seriously before, I beg of you to make this your year. Jesus changes people; I've seen the proof!
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)