Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Opportunity, New Challenge

LifeChurch-Hershey has (another) new meeting space. This one is huge(!), offers fulltime access, & is very affordable. Plus, its located in an iconic downtown building. However, its old & needs a little STLC. This is not a problem for us. It's just like Forest Hills all over again.

Monday, July 28, 2014


I preach the salvation of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father, and I do it because I believe in the authority of the Bible.  Why is this such a dangerous, outdated, insensitive, and/or ignorant approach to Christianity?

What has happened to the American Church?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sermon Notes from July 23

BEING a Christian
Everyone likes to quote a verse like John 3:16 or Romans 10:9 and think that this simple confession of 'belief' is the purpose of life or the key to being a Christian.  While being great expressions of God's love and the importance of what He has done for us, these verses do not describe a lifestyle or action apart from mere 'head knowledge.'

God has created us to DO the right things in life for Him. Genesis 1:26-27
As God's 'image bearers,' our purpose is to be an ongoing reflection (image) of His glory and behavior.  Thus, the Bible unanimously declares that the essence of all Biblical commands is that of ACTION unto God (Deut. 6:5-6, Lev. 19:18, Matt. 22:37-39).  Simply believing in the Bible or Jesus is insufficient and puts us in the company (shared behavior) of demons (James 2:14-26).  God's command is for us to DO!

The problem is, however, that we CAN'T do the right thing.  Romans 8:14-25
It's not that we do not know what is 'right' or 'wrong' or have insufficiency motivation to do what is 'right.'  No, the problem with us (and all humanity) is that we are inept (powerless) sinners by choice.  Not only do we fashion every decision primarily around our own personal needs/wants, but even those actions charged for the sake of others are misguided and cannot undo the evil we've done previously.   Remember: our purpose is to live for God, not for self or even for others (God first, then neighborly love (Matt. 20:37-39)). The Bible describes our tragic state of affairs as 'dead men walking' (Rom 8:14, 21).

Through Jesus' death and resurrection, there is HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. Romans 7:25, 8:1-4.
Jesus' death on the cross paid for our past sins.  His resurrection and ascension, free us from our mortal limitations and enables to enjoy His Spirit within us.  Accepting the truth and sufficiently of Jesus as God's Son and payment for our sins, frees us from our past and grants us a new life and power to please God (obey Him) in the power of His Spirit.

A Christian is one who lives every day DOING the right thing in the power of the Spirit for the Glory of God. (Romans 8:5-8)
A Christian is one who lives for God through his/her actions.  They do not seek their own glory, success of even mere humanitarianism.  A true Christian lives for God alone.  This a work of the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Every day, and in every situation, a Christian must seek the power of the Holy Spirit to do what is right.  Only then, can a person know joy and receive the promised gift of eternal life - God's shared glory and presence (Romans 8:17)!

Monday, July 21, 2014

I Want & Need the Trinity!

Somebody recently asked me what I look for in a church.  My answer was very simple: I want to see, experience, hear and learn about the Trinity.  They asked me if I was serious...

Tragically, our Christian faith has become so common and LAZY that many of us have no real idea what the Trinity involves or WHY it is so important to both our understanding and our salvation.  We just assume that because we all affirm the simple idea of "three persons in One entity' that this alone is sufficient for orthodoxy (right belief)  and orthopraxis (right behavior).  But, it's not!

I don't presume that any of us will ever fully understand the uniqueness of our Triune God, but He has given us enough information about Himself and His behavior to understand it's function and importance in His behavior,  understanding, and will for our lives.  God, not nature, is the fundamental force and model for all creation.  God was not randomly acting when He set forth the cosmos or the unique composition of man.  In fact, the Bible specifically states that MAN is His 'image bearer,' which does not imply a physical mirroring, still communicates shared qualities and abilities.  Therefore, every human beings purpose and command in life is to mirror this Triune Creator, yet how can we when no one ever takes the time to talk about Him as such..even within His own church!?!?

Hopefully, over the next few days I will post some fundamental aspects of the Trinity that our paramount to our understanding of God, ourselves and our salvation in/through Him.  I will try to keep it simple and clear, but I confess that I am not the best writer so bear with me...

In the meanwhile, please take a minute and try to answer the following questions:
1 - How would you communicate the Trinity to a friend?  Could you?  Would you?
2 - When was the last time you learned about the Trinity in Church?  Merely singing the word in a song does not count.  Even if the sermon was not specifically on the Trinity, when was the last time you learned of the important roles/functions of each of its members?
3 - What questions do you have the Trinity?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Just like that...

...and just like that, you can have a bad day.

On my way home from a very productive time on the West Shore, the truck in front of me blew his tire and took out my front bumper.  He didn't stop, but I didn't die either.  'Hooray' for insurance, 'boo' for deductibles.

Looking for an opportunity to glorify God in all of it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Motivations are important.  They not only drive us to succeed and perform, but they can also reveal 'why' we do what we do.

As we continue to discern the Lord's will and plan for our lives in ministry, it remains obvious that He has placed a deep 'call' (burden) on my heart for our military personnel.  While I can easily get excited about the 'adventure' and physical lifestyle that accompanies chaplain ministry, these aspects alone are not reason enough to undergo the intense labor and sacrifice demanded by the ministry.  Asking my family to move every three years (or less) and be separated for months at a time so I can put on camouflage and hang out with guys with guns is pretty lame.  For me, it is all about the service member and his/her family.  For a Sailor or Marine to know the LORD and grow in His ways and understanding is why I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed be engaged in the chaplaincy.

I love these people, and I know that I have been uniquely burdened and equipped to minister His Truth through my life and family's ministry.  I am so very grateful that He has entrusted us with this 'call' and is, therefore, consistently brining us members and opportunities to minister.  It is amazing how many service members (and their families) we have been able to connect with and minister to over these past few months.  My prayer is that we will be faithful in these ventures and the He may entrust us with an even greater love, burden, and opportunity in the future.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Being a Mentor

Another great thing about the summer is the chance to hang out with some really cool kids.  Some of my former soccer players have become really close friends and young 'brothers,' and it is my honor to serve as a mentor to them.

Every time we hang out, God opens the door for some incredible conversations and opportunities for teaching and trust.  Rarely are there moments of weeping and/or quiet prayer (in fact, this has never happened), but there are always times when God provides a powerful moment for TRUTH and EXPERIENCE.  As a Spirit-filled person, all I need to do is humble myself, get out of the way, and let the Lord use my life and His Word as all the inspiration and instruction these young lives need to succeed.

I am so very grateful to be a Christian and to be so effectively used by the Creator of the universe to love others in His name.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Why Christian Schools are Cool

One of the privileges we've been able to enjoy since being back in PA, is the connection and option to send our kids to a small, local Christian school.  No, it is not cheap and it does demand a little more time and effort on our part to work with a different school schedule; but, in reflection, the benefits certainly outweigh the small challenges.

Our kids are getting an incredible education, smaller class sizes, learning Christian values, and, above all, are memorizing large portions of Scripture and participating in weekly chapel services (where daddy sometimes get to preach/teach).  My kids know the Bible, they know how to pray, and the know how to be held accountable to Christian ideals.  The know that 'right' is 'right' because of God's rule and nature, and not simply because a government or leadership says so.  And being a part of a Christian not only provides my kids with a great education and spiritual life, but it also provides them an opportunity for a christian environment.  All of their parents and friends are Christian, too. (Now, we know  that not every person who attends a Christian school is a Christian, but, regardless, the values and standards are enforced in every person's life who is associated with the school.  That, too, is significant.)

But, choosing to enroll our kids in a Christian school is not only blessing the kids, but has also proved to be a blessing and source of ministry to the entire family!  Christine is a room parent, actively involved in the mom's prayer group, and is a constant figure at the school's events.  And in addition to being a chapel speaker, I, too, have been able to serve in a variety of positions, including as the boys' soccer and basketball coach.  Our entire family is being blessed by our choice and opportunity to sacrifice a little more and give our kids a Christian education and community...and we have no regrets.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Another Amazing Night

The details are just too incredible, numerous, and unbelievable to possibly explain in a blog post, but let me simply state that God is not disappointing each week at our Starbuck's Bible Study!

Last night, we talked John 3:1-15 and the conversation was amazing.  Not only was everyone participating and growing in knowledge and appreciation for the text, but others in Starbuck's were also being drawn into the conversation.  One man even asked to join us, which he did with great excitement and reward!

The simple truth is that when God is lifted up through His Word, He will do what only He can do in our midst.  The Church is not a building or event we attend; it is a community built on Jesus through the power of the Spirit.  He is willing and able to do the same miracles and salvations He has done previously, if only we will give Him the opportunity with a submissive and hungry heart.

God is doing a great work in Harrisburg!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Claiming Orthodox without Being Orthodox

I am alarmed by the current state of America's church.  I am not talking about style, attendance numbers, or even denominational trends.  Those things are nothing compared to a much bigger problem that appears to exist in churches regardless of the particulars mentioned above.  What I am finding is a 'claim' of orthodoxy without signs of 'living' orthodoxy.  In other words: few people are LIVING their Christian beliefs.

Of course, this is nothing new as nominalism will always be a historical problem within all societies and religions.  But the form that I am witnessing today is truly alarming and appears to have reached a new level of hypocrisy.  You can literally walk into almost any local church and hear little mention of the Bible or its texts.  Sermons and mission statements have become little more than a repackaging of major commercial slogans or the sayings of Oprah, Dr. Phil, or Dr. Oz.  This is insanity!

I used to think (hope) that such behavior was merely the sincere efforts of local pastors and church leaders hoping to be relevant reach more people for Jesus.  While the mass marketing (outreach) of the church was invoking these cliche techniques, church members and believers were still reading their bibles, growing in their faith, and experiencing more of the Spirit's work and power in growing desperation and anticipation.  I was wrong.

Over the past few weeks, I have met a lot of 'die-hard' church goers and professing Christians.  When asked about their 'beliefs,' they quickly and sincerely list off the tenets of the faith that would align with the historical (orthodox) Christian church.  They affirm a belief in the Trinity, respect for the Scriptures, atonement through Christ's sacrifice, and a hope in the resurrection and eternal life with God in heaven upon His return or their death.  However (and this is the BIG ISSUE), while declaring these tenets to be true, they simultaneously deny their universal application, implication or necessity.  In other words, they knew what Christians should believe, but they, personally, do not affirm these beliefs with their personal lives and convictions.

There are many, many reasons for this new and dangerous trend, but the most blatant is the fact that NO ONE IS READING THEIR BIBLE!  Any why should they when most pastors don't even use the text for their sermons or teachings.  Simply referencing a Bible verse or story is not the same thing as exacting a message and doctrine from the text.  The Bible is not a book of mere illustrations and suggestions: it is our means of knowing and testing both God and humanity.  No, it is not the 4th member of the Trinity, but it is the only means and text which explains, reveals, and affirms the truth and existence of the Trinity, human depravity, the atonement, grace, and a living salvation.

Pastors and fellow Christians, if you do not think the Bible is relevant or that the text is too complicated, then you are just too lazy and your faith is clearly dead.  The book, after all, was written mainly by the uneducated and common man for the common man.  There exists today more resources, aids, translations and tools for study and teaching than has ever existed at any other time in history - and most are FREE!  But beyond this, the fundamental fact is that without the text we have NOTHING of power or uniqueness to offer.  Through the BIBLE we learn of our need for Christ and the power of the Spirit and also its means of reception.  And apart from the Spirit, we cannot know or please God (Romans 8).

Knowing what is right is not the same as doing what is right.  The American church is in mortal danger of losing its allegiance and identity with the historical (orthodox), Biblical church, and the primary reason is that NO ONE IS READING THEIR BIBLE.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

God's Glory through a Flying Dog on Vacation

This past week, we took an opportunity to spend the week at the beach.  It was meant to be a relaxing and care-free time, and we even found a house that would allow us to bring our dog, Greta.  Well, life is never 'care-free' is it?

Without going into too many details here, the short story is that Greta jumped 20' on to this concrete driveway. Immediately, she was limping & bleeding & we prayed. An hour later & the Dr could find NOTHING wrong. He could not believe it!!! God did a miracle!!!