Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Grace in the Storm

Thank you for the many emails and phone calls to check on us after Hurricane Sandy!  While our partner church, FHCC, is located in central Queens and was, therefore, shielded from the worst flooding, everyone in the area was affected by electrical outages and gas shortages.  The important thing is that everyone we know is safe, and God used the storm to provide some awesome avenues to share His love!
MatchlessFire and FHCC have “adopted” several families that were hardest hit—a fellow missionary family, a young family with two sons whose house was destroyed, and two sisters.  These ladies have a miraculous story; one was able to evacuate to New Jersey, but the other was not excused from work and attempted to ride out the storm at her apartment.  At 8pm on the night of the storm, with the waters swirling about 10 feet high in her street, the National Guard carried her out to a shelter.  Her block was the last one rescued before emergency personnel had to turn back.  The girls were separated for almost a week, with no way to contact each other, but God kept them both safe.  On the third floor, their apartment was miraculously kept intact, and although they had no power for almost 3 weeks, they were the only ones in their community with gas and hot water.  Despite the furnace being submerged in salt water for a week, it also miraculously worked when the flood waters subsided.  Viewing the continual devastation in their neighborhood—where people scrounged through piles of clothes on the street to get clean garments, where they had to leave for work at 3am to find transportation in the crippled mass transit systems, and where people were reliant on the kindness of strangers—they decided that GOD had spared them for a reason!  They opened their home so neighbors could bathe in their hot water, and they boiled water on their gas stove to keep the families who were sleeping in their living room and kitchen warm.  Above all, they used the opportunity to share God’s love and give comfort to their neighbors in the name of Jesus!  Please visit our website if you need more info on how to pray for or give to those affected.