It all began on Friday night with a dynamic time of worship and meditation on the cross. Despite being in a new location, the attendance was strong and several new faces attended. You can listen to the message here.
Saturday is when God really did a miracle. With the church praying for weeks for good weather, the Lord saw it fit to bless us with torrential downpours. This forced our long anticipated Egg Hunt indoors, and none of us knew how this would effect the outcome. Turns out, it made the event bigger and more effective.
Because of the bad weather, families were desperately looking for something to do outside of their house. Additionally, by moving the event indoors it provided the church with the opportunity to personally greet and share Jesus with event attendee. By God's grace over 800 people attended the 2-hour event. It was amazing!
But, Easter weekend is really all about Easter Sunday. This year the weather was perfect and we saw many new families attend the service. Several people gave their hearts to the Lord and everyone is excited to attend church this Sunday. God was exalted this weekend, and He truly has drawn people unto Himself. We are blessed to be His church!
Thank you for praying and giving!!