Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Again

It has been a wild winter here in NYC, particularly the month of January. While snow is not uncommon for the Northeast, NYC typically does not amass much of the white stuff. This year, however, it seems that "flakes of furry" are all that we do get! Since Dec 26th, over 56" of snow has fallen. The temperatures have been so cold for so long, that much of the snow does not evaporate despite high traffic and convection heat from the buildings. We simply are running out of space to put it all!

The true miracle is that church attendance has never been stronger. Despite the weather and its effect on on advertising (the snow eliminates room on the sidewalk for our little sandwich board sign), new people keep coming to church and being saved. It is an incredible feat that only God can accomplish.

Thank you all for sending us to NYC, and keeping us here with your prayers and financial support! We simply cannot do it without you!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


It's been a rough couple of weeks, personally, for the family and I. While the church continues to do well, survive the holiday melee, and build excitement for the many new outreaches and ministries, the family has been the victim of much turmoil and drama. It seems that every time we try to make time for the "us," Satan attacks us with horrible weather, sickness, or calamity.

It is not easy to protect the sanctity or priority of family, but we know it is a biblical priority. As important as the church and ministry may be, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and kids, is paramount. Paul commands Timothy that all leaders of the church must first be exemplary leaders of their homes (I Tim. 3). To fulfill this qualification takes time and effort exclusively and habitually.

Please pray that the Lord will triumph over the works of the enemy, and that the family will be free to minister one-to-another. Please know that we are praying the same for you!

Thank you always!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Prayer Points

Another year has pasted, and a new year begins. What a remarkable year 2010 has been with the birth of a third son and the baptism of many new people in the faith. It has also been a year of transition as the church has grown, new ministries started, and a new venue for Sunday worship secured. Yet all of the accomplishments and successes of 2010 are now greater opportunities for 2011. Please join with us in praying for the greater fulfillment in what God is accomplishing amongst the Jews and Gentiles of New York City.

Prayer Points:
1 - New Worship Facility - After months of praying, searching and negotiating, we have secured a new venue for Sunday morning worship services. Beginning in February, we will move out of the local movie theater and in to a public school. This new facility will not only offer great space and a kids church, but will place us right in the heart of our community. Please pray for divine opportunities and the FUNDS needed to resource this larger ministry.

2 - Jewish Bible Study - Plans are in place to launch a Jewish exclusive Bible study weeknights in Forest Hills. Many young Jewish men, in particular, have expressed interest in examining the claims of Jesus and His followers, if there were only a more accommodating environment to their culture and heritage. Using the gifts and talents God has given to our church already, we feel confident that we are now able to meet their requests. Please pray for this ministry and the appropriate launch date and time.

3 - Workers - By God's grace the church has a solid number of volunteers; what it lacks is trained and equipped staff. We are in desperate need of a WORSHIP leader, CHILDREN director, and Youth leader. Please pray that God will reveal His will and appointment soon.

4 - Family's Health - Another months is upon, and the majority of the family is still struggling with congestion and viral infection. Please pray for divine healing and protection.